Where do your donations go?

To accelerate research on genetic diseases, the Imagine Institute relies on resources from public, partner and sponsor generosity. Operating expenses are guaranteed by public funds. Donations that we receive and sponsorship actions are focused on the Institute’s research, education and care missions. We thank you for all these advances, which would have never seen the light of day without your support.

Use of resources from donors and sponsors

As a Scientific Cooperation Foundation (FCS), Imagine Institute is authorized to receive donations, legacies and gifts. Thanks to the loyal and invaluable support of its donors and sponsors, at Imagine we do everything we can to accelerate discoveries on genetic diseases and develop tomorrow’s treatments. In 2018, thanks to your generosity, Imagine was able to raise over €6 million. Your donations and sponsorship actions have funded millions of Euros of research.

The origin of resources at Imagine Institute

Scientific Cooperation Foundation status allows Imagine to receive public and private funds, which gives it the flexibility and responsiveness needed to accelerate discoveries. In 2018, the operating and investment budget provided by our founding members was €25 million. To this, we can add €16 million of subsidies raised by the research teams.

Imagine has an “acceleration” budget of €19 million, related to the operating budget. This budget allows it to recruit the best talents and purchase the best equipment to increase discoveries. This acceleration budget includes the endowment of over €13 million per year received under the University Hospital Institute status and as part of industrial partnerships and funds provided by the increased valuation of patents and licenses from the work of researchers and doctors. The remaining €5 million are collected thanks to the generosity of donors, individuals and sponsor companies, all of whom are contributing to developing tomorrow’s medicine for children.

Donner en toute confiance et être informé

Imagine Institute’s accounts are regularly checked and certified by an authorized auditor, and published each year.

Guarantors of Imagine Institute’s ethics and excellence, our Board of Trustees and our Scientific Advisory Board ensure that donations are invested exclusively in our research, education and care programs.

You can consult the Institute’s financial statement in our annual report

So that you’re kept informed about the Institute’s news, our research, education and care projects, projects that we conduct thanks to you and events organized at the Institute, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. It’s sent out every two months.