International programs

The first European center for research, education and care on genetic diseases, Imagine, endeavors to attract talent from around the world and to showcase advances in research on an international scale.

With around 28% of its members being foreign nationals from over 38 countries, the Institute aims to become increasingly open to the world through international collaboration and high quality classes and conferences.


Classes, conferences and international programs

Every year, the Imagine Institute for genetic diseases organizes or participates in a wide range of international conferences and classes.

The Institute’s conference center hosts over 40 conferences, scientific talks and symposiums annually, during which Imagine researchers from Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades AP-HP campus, as well as researchers invited from France and abroad share their advances and discuss scientific issues in order to accelerate breakthroughs.

Since 2017, Imagine has hosted the Eurordis Winter School on Scientific Innovation and Translational Research. The Institute, in partnership with Medicen Paris Region and the Greater Paris Region, has also organized and hosted the first major conferences aimed at bringing together the leading experts and key players in gene therapy: Gene Therapy Partnering Day and Gene Therapy for Rare Monogenic Diseases.

In parallel with this, Institute members are involved in many international congresses each year.


International PhD program

Imagine Institut is part of the Pasteur Paris-University (PPU) program for the recruitment of international doctoral students in collaboration with several Parisian universities.

As part of this program, Imagine offers doctoral scholarships open to international recruitment to highly motivated and talented students. Candidates must hold a full Master's degree in research outside France. Winners join the doctoral schools of Université Paris Cité and are welcomed into an Imagine research team.

Find out more here


International academic collaborations

The Imagine Institute for genetic diseases has initiated a partnership with Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Doha and signed a collaboration agreement with the Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center (GWCMC) in China. Imagine welcomes 4 PhD and post-doc candidates preselected by the Chinese Academy of Medicine and the University of Doha into its laboratories each year, since 2019.

A Memorandum of Understanding on future scientific and academic collaborations was also signed with His Highness Prince Turki Bin Saud, president of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia.