Train future generations

Imagine's universal goal, that of changing the lives of countless patients the world over, is disseminated, shared and talked about beyond its boundaries, to its campus, to talents in France and internationally, and to world science.

Training by conducting and learning how to conduct research

Education and training are one of Imagine's top priorities.

Through the training of future doctors and researchers and continuous training of doctors and health professionals, Institut Imagine promotes expertise in both research and medicine, wich makes it unique.

Jeunes chercheurs
Jeunes chercheurs


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International programs

The first European center for research, education and care on genetic diseases, Imagine, endeavors to attract talent from around the world and to showcase advances in research on an international scale.

Chercheuse à la paillasse

With around 20% of its members being foreign nationals from over 38 countries, the Institute aims to become increasingly open to the world through international collaboration and high quality classes and conferences.






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Bioentrepreneurs Launchpad program

This program to train entrepreneurs and accelerate healthtech startup projects is a real stepping stone to entrepreneurship and value creation in the biomedical sector.

Former par et à la recherche
Former par et à la recherche

Entrepreneurship is an acceleration vector of biomedical innovations awaited by patients and their families.







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Who we host at Imagine



In order for patients to benefit from the latest innovations as quickly as possible, Imagine Institute for genetic diseases continuously develops its technology transfer and scientific ecosystem by hosting startups, learned societies and associations.




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Testimonials from Imagine alumni



Since its creation, the Institute of Genetic Diseases, Imagine, has welcomed students who are involved in research or bio-entrepreneurship. Discover their testimony.






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papier paint

Cure genetic diseases can not be made without you

This wallpaper depicts Jeremy's impaired cells, with nephronophthisis, a serious genetic disorder that causes irreversible kidney failure. This disease takes a lot of place in the life of Jeremiah and his family.

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