Our donors

Imagine knows that it can count on the support of all its donors, who in a private capacity, through an association or through a company, decide to support researchers, doctors and young patients.

Whether they choose to make a donation in cash or in kind, raise money for an occasion such as a marathon, wedding, birthday or retirement, it all contributes to making Imagine a place of hope and scientific progress in aid of sick children.

When strengths come together, there is cohesion and unity, and it works, all in aid of our children.


Mom of Balthazar, a young boy with a disease diagnosed after 6 years of diagnostic uncertainty.

Teddy Riner, unwavering support for the children

A sponsor of Imagine since 2012, Teddy Riner regularly comes to meet young patients, and medical and scientific teams: his tremendous courage and unfailing optimism are infectious! Imagine is proud to be able to call on this great champion to raise public awareness for the millions of children and adults who suffer from complex diseases that are still unknown.

Noa Luu et Teddy Riner
Noa Lûu et Teddy Riner

Our sponsors take part with our teams to progress research, through their financial support, donation in kind or donation of skills.

They provide invaluable support to the Institute. We would like to thank them sincerely.

Discover the list of our sponsors, in alphabetical order

  • Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
  • Gonzague de Blignières
  • DGM, Shahan Sheikholeslami, Hugues Schmitt
  • Dior
  • Fondation EDF
  • Elsevier
  • Galerie Kreo – Didier et Clémence Krzentowski
  • Marine et Bertand Hainguerlot
  • Havas
  • Henner
  • Interparfums
  • Michel Jalon
  • La Boite Immo
  • Armelle et Sébastien de Lafond
  • LVMH
  • Marcadé Event
  • Anne Meniel
  • Kamel Mennour
  • Jacques-Antoine Philippe et Marie Schweitzer
  • Hélène de Prittwitz
  • Salesforce
  • Silver Autonomie
  • Fondation Sisley
  • STF Imprimeries
  • Patrick Thomas
  • Tollens
  • Viseo