Public and private governance

The Imagine Institute of genetic diseases is governed as a Scientific Cooperation Foundation (FCS). It was established in 2007 with the goal of accelerating research on genetic diseases.

Since its founding, the Institute has been supported by its six founding members and by private partners and sponsors. It brings together several decision-making and advisory bodies, who determine its strategy and operation.

Imagine’s governance

Gouvernance eng 2022

Combining the best of the public and private sectors

Scientific Cooperation Foundation status was not chosen at random. Helping to facilitate public-private partnerships and to manage both public and private funds, the Institute provides maximum flexibility and responsiveness, and combines the best of the public and private sectors to accelerate research on genetic diseases.

Imagine was the first center to be approved as a University Hospital Institute (IHU) in 2011. Because of this, the institute will receive an endowment each year until 2024 as part of the French Investments for the Future Program.

Imagine is one of the French University Hospital Institutes with IHU-France status

The Institute has been certified as a Institut Carnot since 2020, after it has beeen labeled as a Tremplin Carnot during 4 years. This status, awarded by the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, recognizes the Institute as being at the forefront of research in partnership with industry.

Our founding members

Since its founding, Imagine has been supported by six members: AP-HP, Inserm, Université Paris Cité, Fondation des Hôpitaux, Paris City Council, AFM-Téléthon.

Our decision-making and advisory bodies

Prof. Stanislas Lyonnet, director of the Institute, relies on a mixed Executive Committee made up of researchers and clinicians from various research and care programs.

Three governing bodies direct and support the Imagine Institute, its management, its operation and its scientific and medical strategy.

  • The IHU Board of Management brings together lab directors and staff representatives to discuss the scientific strategy of Imagine, its organization, the life of the Institute and the research tools available.
  • The Imagine Foundation is supported by a Board of Trustees made up of representatives of the founding members, Imagine scientists, and qualified individuals from the private sector.
  • A Scientific Advisory Board, made up of eminent scientists recognized worldwide, makes recommendations about the Institute’s scientific and strategic guidelines every year.