Training by conducting and learning how to conduct research

Thanks to the support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, Imagine Institute of genetic diseases has implemented a training plan conducting and learning how to conduct research. Students, researchers, research physicians and bioentrepreneurs can benefit from training programs dedicated to a research of excellence.

Training future doctors and researchers and continued training of doctors and healthcare personnel is a priority at Institut Imagine. This training mission conducting and learning how to conduct research is led with the generous support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation. It has distinguished itself through two strategic work programs at Imagine Institute, aiming to attract new talents and develop training to serve the needs of research and care.

This training plan has objectives to implement and develop doctoral training, the involvement of hospital doctors in research programs led by the Institute, the doctoral training of foreign students, and the training of bioentrepreneurs.

Discover the training programs conducting and learning how to conduct research:

Health-Science program (MD-PhD, VetD-PhD, PharmD-PhD):

It allows young doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians that have already obtained a Master 2 in research to complete their training in research by doing a PhD in science under the supervision of a researcher in an Imagine Institute lab. Learn more about the program.

Time for research:

It brings together clinicians of clinical or fundamental research developed at Image by giving them a “time for research”, during which their work is delegated to another doctor so they can carry out their research projects. Learn more about the program.

PPU-Pasteur Paris University program:

It recruits PhD students having obtained a Master 2 of research abroad, in the research labs of Imagine. Learn more about the international programs within Imagine.

Imagine Bioentrepreneurs Launchpad:

The program to train entrepreneurs and accelerate healthtech startup projects with a high impact for patients. It associate teams of students of different profiles: scientists, doctors, pharmacists, engineers and managers. The programs relies on close to the field and project-based education. After a matching phase (from September to December), for which the objective is to connect students of partner trainings among themselves as well as with researchers or doctors offering biomedical research programs, the program is in the form of a bootcamp lasting 9 to 12 weeks (from January), where teams of students work full time on their projects, while benefiting from the intervention of specialists and personalized coaching. Learn more about the program.