Located at the center of Necker-Enfants malades hospital AP-HP campus, the Imagine Institute for genetic diseases has been supported by its six founding members since its creation in 2007.

The founding members of Institut Imagine financially supported the creation of the Imagine Foundation dedicated to research on genetic diseases, with an endowment of 12.9 million euros. Since the launch of the project, they have provided technological and human resources, and supported the Institute's research, clinical research and development activities. The representatives of the founding members sit on the Board of Directors of the Imagine Foundation.


AP-HP / Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris


AP-HP (Paris Public Hospitals Group) is the first teaching hospital center in Europe, based around 7 universities in Paris and the Greater Paris region. It is closely linked to all the major research organizations (CNRS, INSERM, CEA, INRA, Pasteur Institute, etc.) through the joint research units of its 10 hospital groups. It has three global University Hospital Institutes (IHU). A key player in applied research and health innovation, the Paris teaching hospital has created a network of support structures for organizing research and clinical investigation including: 14 clinical research units, 17 clinical investigation centers, 4 clinical research centers, 2 centers for early trials, 12 platforms for biological collections, 2 integrated research sites for cancer, and a healthcare data warehouse which collects healthcare data from the 8 million patients seen every year. AP-HP researchers pen nearly 10,000 scientific publications annually, and more than 4,450 research projects are currently being developed, for academic or industrial, national, European and international ends. With a portfolio of more than 500 patents, databases, and unique biological materials, AP-HP values the remarkable research work done by the biologists and clinical researchers at its hospitals. Nearly half of AP-HP’s patented innovations have been licensed to companies around the world and are behind the creation of nearly 60 start-ups.

AP HP 2021



Inserm, From science to health

Inserm, the French National Institute of Health & Medical Research is the only public sector research institution in France exclusively dedicated to human health. Under the dual aegis of the Ministries of Health and Research, Inserm has more than 350 research units spread across France and internationally and employs 15,000 scientists, engineers and technicians all with one shared objective, namely to promote health—by advancing knowledge about living organisms and their diseases, developing innovative treatment modalities and conducting research on public health.

Logo Inserm 2022







Université Paris Cité

In 2019, the universities of Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris are merging to become Université Paris Cité. This new university covers the whole academics fields.

Its formation offer is one of the most complete and ambitious in France and around the world. As a university of “intensive research”, it is aiming at joining French and international establishments as a matter of level: high qualities researches respecting ethical and deontological regulations; higher education of excellence; a dynamic campus life; the support of innovation and transfer, as well as the building of the European formation and research area.

Université Paris Cité includes 61 000 students, 4 500 professor-researchers, 22 postgraduate schools and 142 research laboratories.

Logo UPC 2022



Fondation des Hôpitaux

Since its founding in 1989, the Fondation des Hôpitaux, which is chaired by Mrs Brigitte Macron, has striven to improve the quality of life of hospitalized children, teenagers and elderly patients. Projects funded by the Foundation are designed by the hospitals’ teams. The Foundation also endeavors to raise awareness and share information with members of the public who visit the hospital, particularly those who attend conferences. Every year, it organizes two national fundraising campaigns: one for hospitalized children and teenagers and the other for hospitalized elderly patients.

Logo FDH 2021




Mairie de Paris / Paris City Council


Logo Mairie de Paris





The French Muscular Dystrophy Association AFM is made up of patients, parents of patients, and supporters who are committed to fighting neuromuscular disorders: rare and highly disabling genetic diseases that kill muscle after muscle. The association was born out of a will to cure these diseases which have long been considered incurable. Within the French Muscular Dystrophy Association, volunteers and employees are drawn together by 3 goals: curing disease (research and development of innovative therapies), helping patients (care, support, public service) and communicating information to families, professionals, and the general public. The scientific, medical and social innovation which the association fosters benefits rare disease research and people with disabilities, and helps the entire field of medicine to advance. The French Muscular Dystrophy Association also hosts the Telethon, a popular fund-raising event which has led to a triple genetic, social and medical revolution through the development of biotherapies.


Logo AFM-Telethon couleur