Who we host at Imagine

In order for patients to benefit from the latest innovations as quickly as possible, the Imagine Institute for genetic diseases continuously develops its technology transfer and scientific ecosystem by hosting startups, learned societies and associations.

The French Society for Immunology (SFI)

The French Society for Immunology office has been hosted by Imagine since the first half of 2019. The Society’s goal is to encourage, promote and carry out any actions that could contribute to the discipline’s development. Their work is essential for the Institute, which includes a full immunology research and care program.

The Society’s role is educational: it organizes an annual convention as well as thematic conferences, and allocates grants to its young members, PhD, and post-doctoral students.

For further information, click here


France Biotech Association

Since 2018, Imagine has had a hosting and partnership agreement with France Biotech, the French association of health innovation entrepreneurs, whose purpose is to facilitate health innovation in France and to help startups and SMEs in this sector to become successful companies capable of quickly designing new therapeutic solutions.

This geographical proximity contributes to developing synergies between the world of public medical research and the world of startups, in everything from technology transfer to clinical trials, in order to develop the therapeutic solutions of tomorrow. It also helps to increase opportunities for partnerships and creates potential professional opportunities for our community of researchers.

For further information, click here