The Board of Trustees is chaired by Prof. Arnold Munnich.
Find out more about its composition here:
6 founding members:
- Pr Edouard KAMINSKI, President of Université Paris Cité
- Mr Nicolas REVEL, Director General, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
- Mr Didier SAMUEL, Chairman and CEO of Inserm
- Ms Anne HIDALGO, Mayor of Paris
- Mrs Laurence TIENNOT-HERMENT, President of AFM-Téléthon
- Mrs Brigitte MACRON, President of Fondation des Hôpitaux
3 members representing professors, teachers and researchers:
- Pr. Nathalie BODDAERT, Director of the “Image@Imagine, multimodal brain imaging” laboratory
- Pr. Jeanne AMIEL, director of the “Embryologie et génétique des malformations” laboratory
- Dr Anne PUEL, theme leader, “Génétique humaine des maladies infectieuses” laboratory
9 qualified personalities :
- Arnold MUNNICH, President of the Imagine Foundation
- Isabel MAREY-SEMPER, Senior Advisor, Jolt Capital
- Marie SCHWEITZER, Director of Strategy, Banijay
- François STASSE, State Councillor
- Philippe WAHL, CEO, La Poste Group and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, La Banque Postale
- Caroline YOUNG, Treasurer of the Imagine Foundation
- Edith HEARD, epigeneticist and member of the Académie des Sciences and the Collège de France
- Frédéric COLLET, President of Filière IA & Cancer and Ambasseur France 2030
- Vololona RABEHARISOA, professor at the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation (CSI) at Mines ParisTech