Imagine is a unique place for research and care, which is becoming more integrated in an ecosystem that is especially conducive to development in biomedical innovations.

Looking above and beyond the players - doctors, researchers, engineers, technicians and paramedics, therapeutic innovation professionals, industry partners, entrepreneurs - who gather around patients, within or in close proximity to the Necker-Enfants malades university hospital campus, Imagine is connected to more than 300 industry players and investors worldwide, and is a member or partner of the main networks in its ecosystem.

More specifically, Imagine is:

  • A partner of the consortium, Findmed, which brings together the Carnot Institutes in the field of health and chemistry,
  • A member of the Medicen Paris Regioncompetitiveness cluster
  • A privileged partner of the Human Health Start-up Factory, coordinated by Inserm Transfert and winner of the French Tech Seed call for projects in 2018. This partnership helps Imagine to provide guidance to the most promising start-ups from their research activities, offering a system of mentoring and pre-seed funding by Bpifrance.
  • A Institut Carnot certified instute

In 2018, Imagine also signed an accommodation and partnership agreement with France Biotech, the French association of health innovation entrepreneurs. This partnership contributes to increasing partnership opportunities or creating businesses, as well as opening up professional opportunities to our community of researchers.

Imagine is also widely involved in R&D programs and networks contributing to the development and distribution of innovations on a regional, national, European and international scale:

DIM Thérapie génique, approved by the Greater Paris Region, for which Imagine is the coordinator,

Plan France Médecine Génomique 2025 (French Plan for Genomic Medicine) in which Imagine is participating as part of the Defidiag and Seqoia projects,

3rd French National Plan for Rare Diseases, Plan National Maladies Rares (PNMR3),

EJP RD European program,

European reference networks for rare diseases (ERN)in the fields of skin diseases (ERN-Skin), bone diseases (ERN-BON) and primary immunodeficiencies (ERN RITA).


In 2016, Imagine opened a collaborative workspace, at the heart of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Department premises. The workspace welcomes teams from the technology transfer facilities of its founding members :

Inserm Transfertfor Inserm,


SATT Erganeo for the Université Paris Cité

The purpose of the workspace is twofold. On the one hand, to bring together developers of the research teams, and on the other, developers from different institutions in order to accelerate the implementation of the partnership and technology transfer projects.