From research to patient care

Imagine’s strength is bringing research teams, reference centers for rare diseases and clinical departments together around patients with genetic diseases to provide them with better care. Pioneer in Europe, Imagine is the only center in the world to offer this integrated “doctor-researcher-patient” organization, dedicated to genetic diseases.

Integrated care and programs

Imagine brings together 23 research teams, 4 partner labs, 18 core facilities, 31 reference centers for rare diseases, and the support of clinical departments at Necker-Enfants malades hospital AP-HP.

To accelerate innovation for the benefit of patients, Imagine has identified priority areas for the next few years:

Activite de laboratoire
Activité de laboratoire


  • Immunology/infectiology
  • Hematology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurological and neurodevelopmental diseases
  • Dvelopment and Cardiology
  • Data sciences and computer-aided decisions


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Teams at the service of patients

More than 1000 people at Imagine work on genetic diseases, each in their own particular field or therapeutic stage.

The Imagine Institute brings together 23 Research teams, 18 core facilities, 4 associated laboratories and one clinical research service.  They all work on genetic diseases, each in their own particular field or therapeutic stage.

Former par et à la recherche
Former par et à la recherche


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Collaborative research

Research is done, by definition, through collaborations. At Imagine, one of the rare centers in the world to offer an integrated doctor-researcher-patient approach in a single place, there is a strong desire to collaborate and promote cross-disciplinarity to develop advances and knowledge on genetic diseases.

Un Institut de recherche collaborative
Une recherche collaborative

Since its founding, Imagine has boosted the development of cross-disciplinary projects within research laboratories and teams. Teams at Imagine collaborate within and across disciplines and with a culture of openness.



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papier paint

Cure genetic diseases can not be made without you

This wallpaper depicts Jeremy's impaired cells, with nephronophthisis, a serious genetic disorder that causes irreversible kidney failure. This disease takes a lot of place in the life of Jeremiah and his family.

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