The call for enrollment in October 2024 is now closed. The 2024-2025 call for enrollment of students in October 2025 will open in September 2024.


Institut Paster / Institut Imagine

Institut Imagine participates in the Pasteur Paris-University (PPU) program for the recruitment of international doctoral students in collaboration with several Parisian universities.

Who is this program for?

It is intended for students who hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) from a university outside France, and who have not worked or resided in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to recruitment. In addition, candidates must not be working or residing in France in the six months prior to the audition, which will take place in February 2024.

The selection of the PPU-IMAGINE program is organized by Institut Imagine and selected students carry out their research in one of Institut Imagine lab.

Why join Institut Imagine?

By joining the program, students gain access to a stimulating and ideal environment for the training and career development of young researchers.

In addition, students can expand their knowledge by taking specialized courses and benefiting from an extensive seminar program with speakers from around the world. Students enrolled in the IMAGINE program will have access to the following activities or workshops offered by the PPU program.

  • Workshops (oral presentation, statistics, robotics, …) 
  • Journal Club
  • Scientific Integrity and Ethics Training courses
  • French Courses
  • Organization of the annual retreat
  • Meeting with the Dean
  • Other PPU social activities (Luncheons)

Students are selected on a competitive basis. Candidates are first pre-selected by the host laboratories and their applications are then presented to a selection committee.

Candidates selected by the selection committee are then interviewed (February 2024). Selected students start in October 2024.

Doctoral students selected to follow this programme at the Institut Imagine will benefit from a specific 3-year employment contract with a net pre-tax salary of €2,000 (including health insurance, mutual insurance and provident funds) and the possibility of accommodation at the Cité International Universitaire de Paris.

At the end of their studies (usually three years), students support their PhD according to European guidelines.

Application process

1- Call for applications The 2023-2024 call for applications begins on September 18, 2023, and ends on October 31, 2023. Candidates are invited to apply to the PhD project of their choice (see proposals below). They can only apply for a maximum of 2 projects.

2- Matching between project leaders and candidates From November 2, 2023, to November 13, 2023. The project leader selects 1 candidate from among the applications received. Together, they build and send their joint application file (the file to be completed will be provided to the project leaders from November 2).

3- Pre-selection of candidates Applications are sent to a jury, which classifies and preselects the applications. Candidates will be informed of the status of their application and any follow-up action during the second week of December 2023.

4- Interview week: selection of candidates Candidates will be invited to come to the Institut Imagine for interview sessions between January 30 and February 2, 2024. Candidates will then be informed of the follow-up action to their application.

5- Beginning of the thesis Selected candidates are expected to start their PhD at the Institut Imagine in October 2024.

Les projets

To apply, fill the form in the following link: International PPU@Imagine PhD Application form

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