To change the lives of families affected by genetic diseases

Our goal is to name the disease of each child. Even if it is the only case in the world, we want each pathology to be subject to research at the highest level and each child to know the treatment they wil have one day.

An Institute that fights genetic diseases

equipe XX

Taken separately, genetic diseases are very rare, even exceptional, but throughout Europe, they affect 35 million people. In France, 3 million French people are affected, that is nearly one in 20.

Today, Imagine is focused on its ambition to change the lives of families affected by genetic diseases.





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Prise en charge des patients à Necker

Imagine est un centre de recherche et de soins tourné vers l’innovation, qui possède le formidable avantage d’être sur le campus de l’Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades AP-HP.

La prise en charge et le suivi des enfants s’effectue donc au sein des services cliniques de Necker.  L’Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades AP-HP propose aux patients des consultations de différentes spécialités et différents soins de support pour améliorer leur prise en charge au rez-de-chaussée d’Imagine.

Consultation Arnold Munnich
Consultation Arnold Munnich


Pour en savoir plus

Clinical research

Clinical research is a vital link in the roll-out of knowledge and scientific innovations. Imagine has made it one of its priorities.

Soignante avec masque
Soignante avec masque

To accelerate the availability of its discoveries, Imagine Institute gives additional resources to researchers and deploys clinical research programs. Indeed, clinical research is a key stage in the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches improving patient care.



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Progress in clinical research

Jeune chercheur
Jeune chercheur

To envisage curing a genetic disease, we must first be able to name it and understand its mechanism. Three stage are needed to achieve a diagnosis and then be able to develop a treatment. To get there, teams at Imagine collaborate within and across disciplines.




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papier paint

Cure genetic diseases can not be made without you

This wallpaper depicts Jeremy's impaired cells, with nephronophthisis, a serious genetic disorder that causes irreversible kidney failure. This disease takes a lot of place in the life of Jeremiah and his family.

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