The Time for Research Program

The “Time for Research” program at the Imagine Institute for genetic diseases is intended to the strengthen links between basic and clinical research in the field of genetics.

This program, is supported in its early days by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, helps to finance replacements for the hospital doctors, pharmacists and odontologists who work in the clinical units associated with the Imagine Institute so that they can devote their time to a research project. The head of the program is Prof. Rieux-Laucat.



The program is primarily aimed at hospital practitioners (PH) and senior lecturer-hospital practitioners (MCU-PH), but can also include University professors-hospital practitioners (PU-PH).

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Reviewing applicants

Candidates are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific quality of the personal project presented by the candidate and suitability of the host laboratory,
  • Changes of activity related to the increase in the time devoted to research,
  • The candidate’s degree, research work and publications.

The agreement of the laboratory manager is essential.

Selecting candidates includes a review of the candidate’s application form and an interview with an ad hoc committee made up of hospital practitioners and researchers from Imagine Institute.


Terms of recruitment, remuneration, obligations

The duration of the contracts is equal to or less than two years, part time. Applying for a third year is not prohibited, but the research proposal will be re-evaluated and in competition with new applications, as the program is primarily intended for launching projects. Imagine Institute will pay the Necker-Enfants malades AP-HP hospital group a financial contribution which will go towards paying winner’s replacement.

Current and former “Time for Research” participants


The exceptional environment that I had the opportunity to benefit from within the Imagine Institute allowed me to fully devote my time to rich basic and translational research activities. Moreover, collaboration with Prof. Olivier Hermine’s team and particularly with Dr Thiago Trovati Maciel has, in my opinion, helped to structure research by creating strong links between the Sickle cell anemia center for rare diseases and Imagine Institute

Slimane Allali