Become a Major Donor

Become a Major Donor to the Imagine Institute

Vous voulez partager avec nous les victoires à venir de la recherche sur les maladies génétiques. Contactez moi directement !

Laurent Mellier
Director of Development and Communications

The Major Donor Campaign

Imagine will soon launch a Major Donor Campaign, which you can already join.

To join the campaign, make a commitment today for a minimum of 25 k€ to be given over a maximum of 5 years. You will then be able to benefit, if you wish, from a specific recognition program that we will discuss together. 

Imagine's development team is at your disposal to discuss with you the programs that will be funded through this Major Donor Campaign. Upon request, we can offer you guidance on the donation method best suited to your situation as well as a private tour of the Institute including a meeting with a research team.

Being a Major Donor means joining all the Imagine teams who work daily to accelerate research on genetic diseases, and being part of the successes that will bring innovative care to millions of children suffering from genetic diseases. It means being a player in the discoveries that will change the lives of sick children and their families.