Le Grand Prix Imagine" raffle: try to win an exceptional car and help research

From September 12 to October 22, 2022, participate in the Imagine Institute's great raffle, "Le Grand Prix Imagine". To be won: a Ferrari Roma (0 km and not registered)! The money raised will be donated to the Imagine Institute to advance research on genetic diseases and change the lives of families affected by these diseases. This raffle is organized in partnership with HelloAsso and Le Mondial de l'Auto.

Le Grand Prix Imagine est remporté par...
le ticket n° 461 678 43 - Félicitations à la personne qui remporte le Grand Prix Imagine et la Ferrari Roma !

How to participate and try your luck?

To win this incredible car, go to the page " Le Grand Prix Imagine " on the HelloAsso website*. You can choose one or more sets of tickets at 5 euros.

Grand Prix Imagine bannière

The car will be exhibited from October 17 to 23 at the Mondial de l'Auto 2022, on a stand offered by the Mondial de l'Auto to Institut Imagine, stand 408 in pavilion 4. The draw for the winner will take place on October 22 at 6pm. The prize-giving ceremony will take place on October 23 at 3pm at the Paris Motor Show (Paris Expo Porte de Versailles).

The car was donated to Institut Imagine by a generous donor to help us raise funds.

Advancing research on genetic diseases

Every day in France, 64 babies are born with a genetic disease. With 3 million people affected in France and 30,000 new cases diagnosed each year, genetic diseases are complex, often disabling and very difficult to diagnose. 8,000 genetic diseases have been identified to date and new ones are discovered every day. One child out of two is not diagnosed and 85% of the diseases do not yet have a specific treatment.

At Institut Imagine, on the campus of the Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, 1,000 of the best doctors, researchers and healthcare personnel are working together with patients to understand and cure these diseases. At the cutting edge of technology in nephrology, neurodevelopment, immunology-infectiology-gastrology, hematology, development-cardiology, Institut Imagine is also developing a major artificial intelligence program to make clinical and biological data speak for themselves and explore areas of DNA that are still unknown.

By 2028, Institut Imagine's ambition is to double the number of research projects on disease mechanisms in order to double the number of children diagnosed and included in clinical trials.

Supporting Institut Imagine means :

  • Giving real hope of a cure to millions of children and their families
  • Contribute to accelerate the discovery of treatments and build the genomic medicine of tomorrow
  • Investing in research, teaching and care with confidence

*The HelloAsso team provides the Imagine Institute with an expert team in fundraising and online mobilization strategies in addition to the payment tools of its platform. Thanks to its solidarity model, HelloAsso is able to provide this strategic and operational support for free.

How to participate and try your luck?

To win this incredible car, go to the page " Le Grand Prix Imagine " on the HelloAsso website*. You can choose one or more sets of tickets at 5 euros.

Grand Prix Imagine bannière

The car will be exhibited from October 17 to 23 at the Mondial de l'Auto 2022, on a stand offered by the Mondial de l'Auto to Institut Imagine, stand 408 in pavilion 4. The draw for the winner will take place on October 22 at 6pm. The prize-giving ceremony will take place on October 23 at 3pm at the Paris Motor Show (Paris Expo Porte de Versailles).

The car was donated to Institut Imagine by a generous donor to help us raise funds.

Advancing research on genetic diseases

Every day in France, 64 babies are born with a genetic disease. With 3 million people affected in France and 30,000 new cases diagnosed each year, genetic diseases are complex, often disabling and very difficult to diagnose. 8,000 genetic diseases have been identified to date and new ones are discovered every day. One child out of two is not diagnosed and 85% of the diseases do not yet have a specific treatment.

At Institut Imagine, on the campus of the Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, 1,000 of the best doctors, researchers and healthcare personnel are working together with patients to understand and cure these diseases. At the cutting edge of technology in nephrology, neurodevelopment, immunology-infectiology-gastrology, hematology, development-cardiology, Institut Imagine is also developing a major artificial intelligence program to make clinical and biological data speak for themselves and explore areas of DNA that are still unknown.

By 2028, Institut Imagine's ambition is to double the number of research projects on disease mechanisms in order to double the number of children diagnosed and included in clinical trials.

Supporting Institut Imagine means :

  • Giving real hope of a cure to millions of children and their families
  • Contribute to accelerate the discovery of treatments and build the genomic medicine of tomorrow
  • Investing in research, teaching and care with confidence

*The HelloAsso team provides the Imagine Institute with an expert team in fundraising and online mobilization strategies in addition to the payment tools of its platform. Thanks to its solidarity model, HelloAsso is able to provide this strategic and operational support for free.