Published on
- Annarita Miccio: Gene therapy as a common thread
- Emmanuelle Jouanguy: "Research is a job of communication, collaboration and exchange
- Prof. Marina Cavazzana, pioneer in gene therapy and committed woman
- Marianna Parlato, a young researcher dedicated to inflammatory bowel diseases
- Audrey Desgrange: highlighting women in sciences
- Two young researchers to support bone and mitochondrial disease research at Imagines
- Erminia Rubino, business developer at Imagine Imagine
At the Institut Imagine, 63% of our teams are made up of women and the gender equality index within the foundation is 82 points out of 100.
"This is a very satisfactory result, according to Laure Boquet, Executive Director of the Imagine Institute. But we must continue in this direction and thus reaffirm our desire to guarantee professional equality between women and men and to promote diversity and professional mix.