Fête de la Science at Imagine

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Fête de la Science, the Imagine Institute opened its doors to the public on Saturday, October 9 from 10 am to 6 pm. Families and young people interested in science and research, high school and university students looking for information on scientific careers, scientists and the curious, have come and plunged into the heart of science and research on genetic diseases!

DNA, research, genetics, cells, laboratory... Our researchers welcomed you to discover the world of research and how it works. Throughout the day, workshops, conferences, an exhibition and a career forum have allowed the public, including young people, to immerse themselves in science.

FDS 2021
Fête de la Science

Practical and fun workshops for all audiences

What is DNA, what is a cell? What do they look like, how can we see and observe them? Our workshops gathered children and adults.

  • Workshops on extracting DNA from fruits, at 2, 3 and 4 pm. Duration: about 45 minutes
  • Workshops to observe cells under the microscope, continuously from 2 to 6 pm
  • Entering and working in an experimental laboratory (L2): how to dress, what precautions to take? Continuous from 2 to 2:30 pm, from 1 to 3:30 pm and from 4 to 4:30 pm

Careers forum: the research professions

The jobs in science and research are very diverse and cover many fields, from science and medicine to business development and company creation. Engineers, researchers, doctors, clinical research technicians, business developers, grant officers, scientific communication officers...you came and met the people who contribute to research to ask them questions about their jobs, their training and their prospects.

Interactive thematic conferences

Researchers and doctors from the Imagine Institute and the Necker-Enfants malades AP-HP campus led interactives conferences. See the replay here (click on the title of the conference):

Visits of the Institute

Discover the Imagine Institute during a virtual guided tour.


Exhibition on genetics

"Eurêka! The emotion of discovery"

Find very soon our online exhibition