You probably have aquestions about the conditions of the Activity Continuity Plan. Who is involved? What is a vulnerable person? Can I receive visitors? When can I defend my thesis? etc.
We're trying to answer them in this FAQ section.


Who can come back to work?

All staff can come at least partially, respecting the organization of the team decided with the team leader, a distance of 2m without wearing the mask during meals and coffee breaks, 1m with wearing the mask, and the wearing of surgical masks in shared offices. 

Each team must design the organization that allows the return of all at the maximum of the capacities while minimizing simultaneous on-site presence, respecting health and safety instructions.

What are the criteria for vulnerability?

The High Council of Public Health has identified medical criteria of severe risk of developing a serious form of Covid-19 infection, set out in the decree of November 10th 2020. By definition, these criteria are from the outset vulnerability criteria for the persons concerned.

List defined by decree of persons "at severe risk of developing a serious form of Covid-19 infection":

  • To be 65 years old and over; 
  • Have a history (TCDA) of cardiovascular disease: complicated hypertension (with cardiac, renal and vascular complications), TCDA of stroke or coronary artery disease, heart surgery, stage NYHA III or IV heart failure;
  • Have uncontrolled diabetes or with complications;
  • Present a chronic respiratory pathology likely to decompensate in the event of a viral infection: (obstructive bronchopneumopathy, severe asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, sleep apnea syndrome, cystic fibrosis in particular);
  • Have chronic renal failure on dialysis;
  • Have progressive cancer under treatment (excluding hormone therapy);
  • Obesity (body mass index (BMI) > 30 kgm2);
  • Have congenital or acquired immunosuppression:
    • Drug: cancer chemotherapy, immunosuppressive treatment, biotherapy and/or corticosteroid therapy at immunosuppressive dose
    • uncontrolled HIV infection or infection with CD4 < 200/mm3
    • following solid organ or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    • related to a malignant hemopathy during treatment;
    • Have cirrhosis at least at stage B of the Child Pugh score
      • Have a major sickle cell disease or a history of splenectomy;
      • Be in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Have cirrhosis at least at stage B of the Child Pugh score
  • Have a major sickle cell disease or a history of splenectomy
  • Be in the third trimester of pregnancy
  • Have motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, quadriplegia or hemiplegia, primary brain malignancy, progressive cerebellar disease or a rare disease

In order to continue to benefit from the exceptional partial activity scheme as a vulnerable person, the physician must consider that the employee is at risk of developing a serious form of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which makes it impossible for the employee to work. 

Employees sharing the same residence as a vulnerable person will no longer benefit from the exceptional partial activity scheme as of September 1, 2020.

I am considered vulnerable, should I come to Imagine?

To guarantee your safety, you are invited to stay at home if you have a certificate of isolation. If you cannot telework, additional protective measures are put in place.

What should I do if I have symptoms?

I isolate myself immediately. I inform the Institute at, and I transmit the names of the people I have been in contact with during the previous 48 hours.

I consult a doctor and take a test. 

If I have had symptoms for 4 days or less, am under years of age and do not have a risk factor for severe forms of the disease, I can have an antigenic test done at a pharmacy, doctor or nurse.

If I have had symptoms for more than 4 days, am over 65 years old, have a risk factor for the severe form of the disease, I do an RT-PCR test in a laboratory.

If the test is negative, I can come back to work respecting the barrier gestures and avoiding any contact or risky gatherings.

If it is positive, I isolate myself 10 days after the first symptoms. In case of temperature on the 7th day, I wait 48 hours from the end of the fever to end the isolation.

In the case of the South African and Brazilian variants, after a minimum of 10 days, and in the absence of fever for more than 48 hours, I must do a new RT-PCR test which must be negative to end the isolation.

Upon my return, I respect the barrier gestures and avoid any risky contact/gathering.

If I am at Imagine at the time my symptoms appear, I can check my temperature using the thermometers provided in office 42 with Anne-Marie Laurencine, HSE coordinator, or in office 537 with Emilie Resweber-Gouin, HR Manager. If I have a fever or symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, I go home directly by taking a cab. My expenses will be taken into account by Imagine. I follow the above instructions.

What should I do if I have been in contact with a person who has tested positive or one of their close contacts?

If I am informed by Asurance Maladie, my employer, my doctor or ARS that I am a high-risk contact or that I am part of a cluster, I isolate myself immediately for 7 days after the last contact. If I experience symptoms, I follow the above instructions. I inform the Institute at, and provide the names of people I have been in contact with in the previous 48 hours.

  • If I am in contact with a person with a variant

I do an RT-PCR test immediately and isolate myself for 7 days. After these 7 days, and if I do not present any symptoms, I do a new RT-PCR test: if this test is negative, the isolation can end.

  • If I am in contact with a Covid-19 positive person without variant :

I isolate myself for 7 days and contact my attending physician while waiting for an RT-PCR test. Isolation may stop if the test is negative.

If symptoms appear, I consult a doctor and follow the above instructions.

Upon my return, I respect the barrier gestures and avoid any risky contact/gathering.

What should I do if I live with someone who has been tested positive?

I isolate myself and get tested immediately (RT-PCR test). I inform the Institute at, and transmit the names of the people I have been in contact with in the previous 48 hours.

If the test is positive, I comply with the above instructions (what to do if I have symptoms).

If it is negative, I isolate myself while the person is sick and 7 days after recovery. I get re-tested 7 days (RT-PCR test) after the person has recovered. If the test is negative and I have no symptoms, I can end the isolation.

On my return, I respect the barrier gestures and avoid any risky contact/assembly.

How and where can I get tested ?

Find all the regularly updated information on the tests (who can be tested, how and where) and the laboratories offering the tests closest to the Institute and to your home on the TousAntiCovid app and on Ameli's website.

I am pregnant or think I might be pregnant

If I am not in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I'm not considered a person at risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19 infection, according to information given by the government. However, my pregnancy may, prior to this date, determine a state of vulnerability that I am entitled to report to avoid exposure to the risk by coming to work on site.

What are the instructions for wearing the mask?

Wearing a surgical mask is mandatory in all collective spaces, traffic areas, offices and shared rooms. Cloth masks are forbidden.

The Institute provides each person with 2 single-use surgical masks per day. I renew my mask during the day.

To collect my masks: I go to the main entrance of the Institute, at 24 boulevard du Montparnasse, between 8:30 and 13:30. I give my name to the receptionist who gives me my 2 masks.

To throw away my masks: I throw my mask in the yellow biological garbage cans (DASRI) available in each L1 and L2, or in front of the elevators and freight elevators on each floor.

I'm sharing my desk, what are the instructions?

In all shared offices (more than one person per office), the wearing of a surgical mask and the respect of a minimum distance of 1 meter is mandatory (with masks on, 2 meter if I'm eating or drinking).

Shifts are organized in the teams, with your manager and via a schedule, to allow you to favour the presence of the maximum capacities and to allow you to work in full safety and in the respect of the sanitary rules, with the minimum of simultaneous attendance.

Before and after using my workspace, I take care to disinfect the work surface and the objects handled (chair backs, telephone, keyboard, screen).

I want to transfer my phone lines

If I extend my telecommuting, I can transfer my phone line to my cell phone. I address my request to Jérôme Flatot.

I have to defend my thesis soon?

Thesis defenses must be held by videoconference until further notice.

Can I receive visitors?

Visits to the Institute are suspended until further notice, unless the PRA Squad makes an exception. For any request for derogation, please contact

During the time of the visit, guests will be placed under the responsibility of the inviting person, who will ensure that the rules in force in the Institute are respected. Visitors and inviting persons must respect the physical distance (1 m minimum, 2m if we drink/eat) and wear a surgical mask.

Following the Vigipirate "Emergency Attentats" plan, controls on badges, visitors and bags have been reinforced.

Can I use the seminar centre?

The auditorium is open for governance meetings only.

The organizater must respect :

  • A maximum number of 43 people
  • Wearing of the surgical mask
  • 1 use per day maximum
  • Entrances to the auditorium are from the top and exits from the bottom.
  • During and after the use of the auditorium, I ventilate by opening doors and SAS.
  • I clean every work surface I used before and after the event

Will there be new registration schedules for the use of platforms, common devices, L2 ...?

Yes. Each platform has its own set of instructions.

As the occupation of the shared rooms is limited, the reservation system has been revised accordingly. An online reservation system has also been set up in the L2s.

 You can also get closer, before use, respectively :

  • the managers of each of the platforms,
  • of the equipment group's floor references concerning the shared rooms,
  • of the L2 references before using the L2s according to your needs.

What are the opening hours during the period?

Exceptionally, we have extended the opening hours to allow you to take transport at staggered times, but also to allow certain teams who wish to do so to come in alternate mode. Imagine's website is therefore open from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm, Monday to Saturday..


Is wearing a mask mandatory?

Wearing a surgical mask is mandatory in all collective and traffic areas, all shared offices, rooms and spaces. Consult the question about the wearing of the mask at Imagine.

What are the safety distances to be respected?

The distances to be respected are 1 m when we wear a mask and 2 metres when we have lunch or drink. The catering areas have been redesigned to respect these instructions and your safety. We thank you for leaving them as you found them.

What are the recommendations for elevators?

Elevators are reserved in priority for those who need them most. Being in a collective space and for your safety, wearing a surgical mask is mandatory. To avoid touching the buttons, use your touch button pusher to get to your floor.

What are the recommendations for printers?

Since it is a collective object, it is necessary to wash your hands before and after use. To avoid having to touch the printers, use your touch button pusher.



If I take public transportation

In order to travel, I need my business travel certificate provided by my manager and a piece of identification.

hen I arrive at Imagine or at my home, I wash my hands and the objects I will have touched during this period of transport, such as my telephone for example, and I change my mask.

If I come by bike

Bike parking is accessible from 6.30AM to 9.30PM. It is necessary to disinfect your handlebars before and after use. Disinfectant is available.



Will the kitchens be open?

The kitchens are open to allow you to make coffee, tea and and to reheat a dish. We ask that you disinfect your hands and machines (including microwave handle and knobs)  before and after use. It is necessary to respect the instructions posted in these areas and to ensure perfect hygiene when using them.

It is now possible to use refrigerators and microwaves. I then put my food in a closed airtight bag or a closed Tupperware with my name on it to store it in the fridge. I do not leave my food in the refrigerator for more than one day.

No shared kitchen ustensils may be used from now on. I use my personal cutlery and my personal dishes, which I clean, dry and store right after.

I want to have lunch at Imagine, how does it go?

Several solutions are available to you: by bringing your lunch box, by picking up your lunch from local restaurants or take-away sales or by placing an order with Editions Délicieuses.

Since the reponening of Imagine, Les Editions Délicieuses offers us a choice of menus (sandwiches, salads or quiches), drinks and desserts every week. To book, you need to go to and pay for your lunch online. You can book your meal for the next day and the other days of the week. Please note that after 5 pm, it will not be possible to have your meal delivered the next day. It is advisable to specify in the comments the desired delivery days and your floor number. Use the coupon code Imagine to get a 15% discount. Then pick up your order on D-Day on the 7th floor, in the lunch slot reserved for your floor.

If you go out to pick up a takeaway sale, we ask you to respect the sanitary instructions in force, including hand cleaning on your return to Imagine.

The dining areas on the 7th floor (inside and outside) as well as the dining areas on the upper floors have been arranged to respect safety distances by markings on the floor. Thank you for strictly observing these provisions and a 2 meter distance between you and your colleages, which guarantee your safety and allow you to have lunch in peace.

In order to facilitate the flows, the 7th floor is reserved according to the following 30-minute slots:

  • 11.30 - 12.00: Ground floor and 1st floor
  • 12.00 - 12.30 : 2nd floor + Kirmisson
  • 12.30 - 13.00: 3rd floor
  • 13.00 - 13.30: 4th floor + clinicians
  • 1.3.30 – 14.00: 5th floor and -1

You are asked to clean your table and chair after your meal break within the time limit.

We thank you for respecting all these instructions which are necessary for the smooth running of this organization and which allows everyone to have lunch in compliance with the health and safety instructions inherent to the situation.

Can I have physical meetings at Imagine?

The meeting rooms are reopened primarily to provide additional work space, individually or in small groups.

For meetings, I prefer LifeSize or Zoom. Physical meetings should be the exception and limited to a number of people indicated on the door of the room.

If I use a meeting room, I wear a surgical mask, put at least 1 meter away from my colleagues, respect the table and chair markings, clean surfaces, chairs and equipment after my visit, and ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes when possible.


What are the specific recommendations for L2s?

Before entering the L2, you should be aware of the new mandatory rules and protective equipment requirements.

Whenever possible, it is recommended to keep a distance of 1 meter between each one. Wearing a waterproof gown, over-shoes, protective glasses and two pairs of gloves is mandatory, as well as the FFP2 mask when handling human samples.

You will find all the specific procedures in the RPA corpus (

What are the specific recommendations for L3s?

Before entering the L3, you must be aware of the new mandatory rules and protective equipment requirements.

No more than 2 persons are allowed and 1 person per row, with always at least 1 meter distance between two persons.

Wearing a waterproof lab coat, over-shoes, protective glasses and two pairs of gloves is mandatory, and the FFP2 or FFP3 mask is mandatory.

You will find all the specific procedures in the instructions

How should Covid manipulations be performed?

Each team that handles COVID samples must be trained by the HSE manager in the specific procedures adapted to their needs. Any new COVID research project must be declared to the Management and a request for training must be made to the HSE manager without delay. Specific procedures concerning equipment, packaging and waste treatment are available in the instructions .



How are the deliveries going to go?

The Internal Services team has resumed its usual organization and provides all services.

You can place your orders by respecting the points of vigilance below :

  • Ask for a delivery on the usual slots 8h-12h
  • Give priority to the orders that are essential to your business recovery and in a very progressive way (please do not unblock all your orders at once...).
  • Send the instructions to the deliverymen (see Cécile Bureau's email) in addition to your order form.

For everyone's safety, delivery people are no longer allowed to enter the Imagine building and must :

  • Respect a minimum distance of 2 meters distance between people and the wearing of a mask
  • Do not establish direct contact
  • Do not hand-deliver the package or transport voucher.