Yves Ville

Impact@Imagine – innovative multidisciplinary prenatal approach of congenital diseases and their treatments

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Yves Ville


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Innovative multidisciplinary prenatal approach of congenital diseases and their treatments

This multidisciplinary team aims at improving overall outcome of infants through multidisciplinary prenatal management of patients with congenital abnormalities.

The team works on intrauterine surgery of fetal malformations, treatment of fetal CMV infection, fetal phenotyping by ultrasound and MRI, and artificial intelligence in prenatal diagnosis.

Our objectives:

  • Bring accurate phenotypical description of fetuses affected by congenital and developmental anomalies and improve phenotype-genotype correlations
  • Develop innovative pre and postnatal diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in a multidisciplinary joined approach to either cure or limit the progressive damage caused by selected severe congenital abnormalities
  • Develop sharing of experience between peers and other professionals and improve patients’ information and education.
Cellules du colon

Research: a scientific adventure

Our goal: to better understand genetic diseases to better treat them.