Why does giving make you happy? Explanations by neurosciences

On the occasion of the World Day of Solidarity and Generosity, Giving Tuesday, tInstitut Imagine is organizing a round table on the theme: "Why does giving make you happy? Explanations by neurosciences".

This roundtable will take place on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6:30 pm.

To register for the event, click here 

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On the agenda of this round table  

The interventions of :

  • Arthur Gautier, Executive Director of the Philanthropy Chair at ESSEC
  • Sébastien de Lafond, entrepreneur (co-founder of Meilleurs Agents), Major Donor to Institut Imagine and member of the Major Donor Campaign Committee.
  • Pr Giuseppe Ugazio, Holder of the Edmond de Rothschild Chair in Behavioral Philanthropy at the Institut de Recherche en Finance (Geneva). 
  • Pr Stanislas Lyonnet Director of Institut Imagine.
  • Laurent Mellier, Director of Development and International Philanthropy, member of the Board of Directors of the French Association of Fundraisers (AFF).

A video of testimonials on the act of donation

Practical information

The round table can be followed :

  • In person at Institut Imagine (subject to availability) - 24 boulevard du Montparnasse 75015 Paris
  • Live on Zoom (link to come)

To register :

Click here