
PhD, Post Doc

ORCID 0000-0002-8156-1218


February 2017 – present - Imagine - Institut des maladies génétiques / Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris - Genetics and Development of the Cerebral Cortex. Dr. Alessandra Pierani Laboratory
Developmental role of delta Protocadherins in Cajal-Retzius cells and the construction of functional and dysfunctional cortical circuits.


January 2014 – January 2017 – Italian Institute of Technology - NBT Department, Genoa, Italy.
Role of Protocadherin 19 in the Epilepsy and Mental Retardation Limited to Females. Supervised by Dr. Laura Cancedda

Scientific Master

September 2011 – June 2013 Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.
Effect of osteogenic factors on human MSC culture in 2D and 3D conditions. Supervised by Dr.Anna Maria Osyczka

Bachelor degree

September 2007 – June 2011 Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.
The use of stem cells in development of bio artificial heart. Supervised by Dr. Janusz Karasinski


F Trovato, R Parra, E Pracucci, S Landi, O Cozzolino, G Nardi, F Cruciani, V Pillai, L Mosti, AW Cwetsch, L Cancedda, L Gritti, C Sala, C Verpelli, A Maset, C Lodovichi, GM Ratto; Modelling genetic mosaicism of neurodevelopmental disorders in vivo by a Cre amplifying fluorescent reporter Nature communications 2020, 6194 (2020)

J Szczurkowska, S Lee, A Guo, AW Cwetsch, T Khan, S Rao, G Walz, TB Huber, L Cancedda, S Pautot, M Shelly; A localized scaffold for cGMP increase is required for apical dendrite development. Cell Reports, 2020 Apr 14;31(2):107519

J Gilabert-Juan* and AW Cwetsch*; Blood biomarkers in schizophrenia: a focus on genetics, Book Chapter in: Patients with Schizophrenia: Advances in Research and Future Directions. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2020 *equal contribution

Y Arai, AW Cwetsch, E Coppola, S Cipriani, H Nishihara, H Kanki, Y Saillour, B Freret-Hodara, A Dutriaux, N Okada, H Okano, C Dehay, J Nardelli, P Gressens, T Shimogori, G D’Onofrio, and Alessandra Pierani; Evolutionary gain of Dbx1 expression drives subplate identity in the cerebral cortex. Cell Reports, 2019 29(3):645-658.e5

RO Costa, H Martins, LF Martins, JR Pedro, M Mele, AW Cwetsch, L Cancedda, SR Jaffrey, RD Almeida; Mechanisms underlying ribosomal regulation during axonal development Cell Reports, 2019 Jul 23;28(4):864-876

S Naskar*, R Narducci*, E Balzani, AW Cwetsch, V Tucci, L Cancedda; The development of synaptic transmission is time-locked to early social behaviors in rats. Nature Communications, 2019 (10) 1195
*equal contribution

AW Cwetsch, B Pinto, A Savardi, L Cancedda; Acute in vivo methods for gene modulationin the central nervous system. Progress in Neurobiology, 2018 Sep;168:69-85

S Bassani, AW Cwetsch, L Gerosa, GM Serratto, A Folci, IF Hall, M Mazzanti, L Cancedda, M Passafaro; The female epilepsy protein PCDH19 is a new GABAAR binding partner that regulates GABAergic transmission as well as migration and morphological maturation of hippocampal neurons. Human Molecular Genetics, 2018 Mar 15;27(6):1027-1038

C Montani, M Ramos, L Ponzoni, L Gritti, AW Cwetsch, D Braida, Y Saillour, B Terragni, M Mantegazza, L Cancedda, M Sala, C Verpelli, P Billuart, C Sala; The X-linked intellectual disability protein IL1RAPL1 regulates dendrite complexity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 12;37(28):6606-6627

J Szczurkowska* & AW Cwetsch*, M Dal Maschio, D Ghezzi, GM Ratto, L Cancedda; Targeted in vivo genetic manipulation of the mouse or rat brain by in utero electroporation with a triple-electrode probe. Nature Protocols, 2016 Mar;11(3):399-412 *equal contribution

D De Zio, F Molinari, S Rizza, L Gatta, MT Ciotti, AM Salvatore, SG Mathiassen, AW Cwetsch, G Filomeni, G Rosano, E Ferraro. Apaf1-deficient cortical neurons exhibit defects in axonal outgrowth; Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2015 Nov;72(21):4173-91

J Szczurkowska, AW Cwetsch, M dal Maschio, D Ghezzi, GM Ratto, L Cancedda; High-performance and reliable site-directe in vivo genetic manipulation of mouse and rat brain by in utero electroporation with a triple-electrode probe. Nature Protocol Exchange ; 2013 doi:10.1038/protex.2013.089

J Szczurkowska, M dal Maschio, AW Cwetsch, D Ghezzi, G Bony, A. Alabastri, RP Zaccaria, E di Fabrizio, GM Ratto, L. Cancedda; Increased Performance in Genetic Manipulation by Modeling the Dielectric Properties of the Rodent Brain35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Osaka, Japan, 2013; 2013:1615-8