Temporary Donation of Usufruct (DTU) to Imagine to help sick children

By making a temporary usufruct donation (TUD) to the Imagine Institute, you can help research for the benefit of families and children affected by genetic diseases for at least three years. How does it work? And what are the benefits?

If you wish to support a cause that is close to your heart and you have an asset that produces income (a real estate property or a securities portfolio for example), the DTU allows the beneficiary structure (a Foundation for example) to collect, in your place and on a temporary basis, this income for a period of at least 3 years.

As a donor, you will no longer receive the income from the property but will retain bare ownership during this period, knowing that you will regain full ownership (i.e. usufruct) at the end of the temporary usufruct.

Institut Imagine, as a Foundation for Scientific Cooperation, is authorized to receive this type of donation.

This temporary transmission of usufruct, made in favor of Imagine, allows you to support the Institute over a given period of time; the income received will finance research programs to help children and families affected by genetic diseases.

In addition to supporting Imagine, this type of temporary donation can have a double advantage in terms of taxation:

As you no longer receive the income concerned by the donation, you are no longer subject to Income Tax (IR) or social security deductions on this income, and this for the duration of the donation.
If you are subject to the Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI), the real estate concerned is no longer taken into account (in its full ownership value) in the calculation of your taxable assets for the duration of the donation. Your taxation is therefore reduced.

To remember!  Temporary donation of usufruct :

  • Can be for a minimum of 3 years (and a maximum of 30 years for a corporate donor)
    Presents advantages in terms of taxation
  • Allows the Imagine Institute to receive additional income that will allow it to carry out its general interest mission for children and families affected by genetic diseases
  • Is carried out by notarial act, benefiting from an exemption from transfer duties in case of donation to a non-profit organization.

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