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Our team is seeking to describe the formation and growth of the skull using digital tools based on medical data. Our aim is to create predictive devices to improve the management of craniofacial malformations.
Director: Roman Khonsari
Principal investigator : Maxime Taverne
Keywords : Craniofacial development; craniofacial growth; geometric morphometry; artificial intelligence; biomechanics; craniofacial malformation
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Resources & publications
Journal (source)Clin Genet
Next Generation Phenotyping and Synthetic Faces in Coffin Siris Syndrome.
Journal (source)J Morphol
Anatomy and mobility in the adult cadaveric craniocervical junction.
Journal (source)Orphanet J Rare Dis
New diagnostic criteria for metopic ridges and trigonocephaly: a 3D geometric...
Journal (source)Sci Rep
Next generation phenotyping for diagnosis and phenotype-genotype correlations...
Journal (source)J Exp Med
Hemifacial myohyperplasia is due to somatic muscular PIK3CA gain-of-function ...

Research: a scientific adventure
Our goal: to better understand genetic diseases to better treat them.