Pierre David

Transgenesis Platform

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Of all the mammals studied, mouse became the model of choice for several reasons. Its genome is known since 2002 and we share approximately 95 % of our genomes. Moreover, is has a small size and relatively rapid generation time.

Mouse is an important tool for understanding gene function, researching human diseases, or testing responses to a therapeutic intervention.

New transgenesis techniques have emerged as powerful new tools for genome modifications, especially Crispr/Cas9 system and this is what the Federative Research Structure – Necker aims to develop.

Our main mission is the generation of genetically modified mice with Crispr/Cas9 system.

The plateform will provide :

  • Embryo production (available strains : C57Bl/6J, FVB/N, B6D2F1)
  • Zygote injection at pronuclear stage with Crispr/Cas9 components
  • Transfer of the injected embryos in pseudopregnants females
  • Tail biopsy of the newborn pups

The Transgenesis Platform is located in the Animal Experimentation and Transgenesis Laboratory (LAET) in the Imagine Institute.



  • A CO2 incubator
  • A -80°C freezer
  • A Leica DMIRB inverted microscope
  • An Eppendorf NK2 micromanipulators
  • An Eppendorf Femtojet micro-injectors
  • 2 stereomicroscopes
Cellules du colon

Research: a scientific adventure

Our goal: to better understand genetic diseases to better treat them.