Call for a Junior Group Leader at Institut Imagine, Paris, France

Institut Imagine is calling for applications from Junior group leaders investigating the new genetic horizons of
neurological disorders. Intended research topics include (but are not limited to) the non-coding
genome, somatic mosaicism, epigenomics, post-transcriptional mechanisms or genome architecture,
and their implication in normal and pathological development of the human nervous system.

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Accélérer la recherche

Institut Imagine is a leading European research centre dedicated to genetic diseases, with the primary objective to better understand and treat them. It is located in the heart of Paris, on the Necker-Enfants malades Hospital campus, affiliated to Inserm and Université Paris Cité, and is further supported by a private foundation. Imagine currently hosts 28 groups conducting basic and translational research in the fields of congenital malformations, nervous system & metabolic diseases, cardiology, haematology, immunology & infectiology, nephrology and Interface diseases. Imagine benefits from state-of-the-art core facilities, in-house reference centres for rare diseases as well as the immediate proximity of paediatric clinical services.

Imagine is calling for applications from Junior group leaders investigating the new genetic horizons of neurological disorders. Intended research topics include (but are not limited to) the non-coding genome, somatic mosaicism, epigenomics, post-transcriptional mechanisms or genome architecture, and their implication in normal and pathological development of the human nervous system.

Candidates are expected to have an outstanding scientific background, to compete for or have obtained national/international funding (such as Atip-Avenir, ANR-JC, ERC StG, ERC CoG) and to demonstrate their ability to integrate within the Imagine ecosystem.

The appointed group leader will be provided with lab space for 8 people as well as a welcome package to be negotiated upon recruitment.

Applications should be submitted to and must include:

  • A full CV (including a detailed list of publications)
  • Past and current research interests (2 pages)
  • Future research proposal (3 pages)
  • Recommendation letters (3).

Applications must be received by July 25.

Pre-selected candidates will be notified by August 15th for auditions by the Scientific Advisory Board in September.

Integration of the new group can be effective from Jan 1st, 2025, onwards.