Meriem Garfa-Traoré

Cell Imaging Platform

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Meriem Garfa-Traoré


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Fluorescence microscopy is an indispensable tool in biomedical research. New imaging techniques, in combination with powerful analysis software, have allowed scientists to move beyond the limits of optical resolution.

The Cell Imaging Core Facility is specialized in the visualization and analysis of the structure and dynamic processes at the cellular and tissue level until the organism level. Its mission is to provide advanced optical instruments and analytic tools accompanied with an expertise to the scientists of Imagine Institute.

The missions of the platform are :

  • Assist users in the design and implementation of their experience (labeling proteins, choice of colors , definition of controls ... )
  • Provide users the most appropriate imaging systems to their problem
  • Assist users in observing their experiences and gradually lead them to autonomy
  • Help users for processing and analyzing their data
  • Assist users in the interpretation and presentation of results

The staff of the platform takes care of

  • Development of imaging methods
  • Technical maintenance and metrology of the systems to ensure their daily operations.
  • Technology watch to follow the developments in light microscopy

The facility is equipped with a number of state-of-the-art microscopes and analysis software.


  • 3 Laser Scanning Microscopes :
    • Zeiss LSM 700
    • Leica TCS SP5
    • Leica TCS SP8 SMD (Single Molecule Detection)
  • 1 TRIMSCOP Multiphoton Microscope on an Olympus statif
  • 1 Nikon Videomicroscope / TIRF
  • 1 Epifluorescence Zeiss Axioplan Microscope
  • Several Analysis software like Imaris
Cellules du colon

Research: a scientific adventure

Our goal: to better understand genetic diseases to better treat them.