Marie-Alexandra Alyanakian

Necker DNA biobank

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Marie-Alexandra Alyanakian


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The Necker DNA biobank was initially set up in 1992 in the Department of Genetics of the Hospital (thanks to a grant from the Fondation Paribas) and then managed from 1995 by IRNEM, the Federative Research Institute of Necker. More recently, several fundings (Genopole Ile de France, Wyeth Foundation) as well as the availability of a 70 m2 laboratory enabled the extension of the Necker DNA biobank. The new facility reopened in April 2005. The Necker DNA biobank is currently a core facility of IRNEM, with a large participation of Necker Hospital to its fundings.


The aim of the Necker DNA biobank is to perform for researchers and clinicians all blood sample processing steps : registration, processing and biomolecule extraction (DNA, RNA, proteins....), long-term storage of the biological samples under various forms [DNA, leukocyte pellets, Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte (PBL) or EBV-transformed cell lines], in the current state-of-the art conservation and distribution procedures, in compliance with National and European regulations for biobanking.


Two types of samples are stored in the Necker DNA biobank:


  1. samples from patients (almost only children) with rare genetic disorders who are attending the various specialized departments of the Children hospital;
  2. Samples  which are part of collections generated through a defined research project. The second group is currently increasing since the reopening and reorganization of the DNA biobank. (about 50 % per year).

The total number of samples is more than 260 000 from more than 40 000 patients.


In 2010, the Necker DNA biobank will start the DNA extraction activity, DNA sampling and distribution of the accurate amount of DNA to the researchers, clinicians and their collaborators (or to genotyping centers), after the purchase of an automated DNA extraction system.


The constitution of a centralized facility in the Imagine Building will allow to merge the Necker DNA biobank with the other Necker’s Biobanks, currently disseminated in the campus. All the Biological Collections will be kept securely, their management and the quality of their preservation improved, with respect of the regulations and ethical recommendations.


You'll find here all the informations about the DNA Biobank.

Cellules du colon

Research: a scientific adventure

Our goal: to better understand genetic diseases to better treat them.