Imagine is certified as Institut Carnot

With the award of the "Institut Carnot" label, the quality and dynamism of the Imagine Institute's industrial relations are recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This label will also make it possible to obtain additional funding for Imagine's partnership research activities. Transforming the scientific advances of researchers into diagnostic and therapeutic innovations is one of the missions of the Imagine Institute, Europe's leading centre for research, teaching and care on genetic diseases.

From "Tremplin" to "Institut" Carnot, the step is taken for Imagine. This leading centre for research into genetic diseases is thus recognised for its commitment and its ability to develop its relations with industry, which are essential partners in bringing some of its innovations to the patient. For the Imagine Institute, developing new diagnostic tools or new treatments means improving the care of patients suffering from genetic diseases.

"An important step has just been taken in the development of the Imagine Institute with the award of the Institut Carnot label. The promotion of our research work and the mobilization of industrial partners are essential to bring life-changing innovations to patients with rare genetic diseases as quickly as possible. Just a few months after the extension of our University Hospital Institute label for another five years decided by the Prime Minister and the SGPI (General Secretariat for Investment), Imagine now has the two accelerators necessary for its development: the best science of today for the best medicine of tomorrow with the IHU label, and the best valorization of research with the Carnot Institute label," underlines Stanislas Lyonnet, Director of the Imagine Institute.

Accelerating the availability of innovations

Nearly 380 innovative solutions in development currently involve the 28 laboratories, 25 reference centres and 6 clinical departments that make up the Institute. More than 90 of these solutions are the direct result of the laboratories' research activities. Imagine's translational research capabilities, which are unique in the world in the field of genetic diseases, enable all these projects, which are at stages of development ranging from preclinical to phase 3 clinical trials, to be taken to the next level.

"This Carnot Institute label is obtained for 4 years. It will enable us to significantly increase and finance our efforts to develop R&D partnerships. The label also provides our partners with a guarantee that collaborative projects are developed and implemented according to best practices", adds Romain Marlange, Director of the Innovation and Development Department at the Imagine Institute.

The Imagine Institute was awarded the Tremplin Carnot label in 2016, the first stage of recognition before obtaining the Institut Carnot label in 2020, alongside 38 other Carnot Institutes, 7 of which are in the field of health. The Tremplin Carnot has in particular made it possible to recruit business development and collaborative project professionals, to finance 5 Innogrant projects for industrial transfer, and to boost a strong dynamic in terms of innovation and partnership research.

In order to initiate and accelerate projects with high innovation potential, Imagine has also set up specific schemes such as Springboard, the first accelerator for the creation of start-ups specific to rare diseases, the Lab-in-labs, a platform for hosting innovative companies, thus located in close proximity to laboratories, and finally the Launchpad Bioentrepreneurs dedicated to training entrepreneurs alongside researchers.

Imagine would like to thank its founding members, the University of Paris, Inserm and the AP-HP, for their support, and also congratulates the AP-HP, also winner of the Institut Carnot label.



Since 2012,  Imagine Institute:

280 R&D partnership agreements signed with industry

60 patents registered

10 licenses signed with industrial partners

8 start-ups created