Compromised mitochondrial quality control triggers lipin1-related rhabdomyolysis.

Hamel Y, Mauvais FX, Madrange M, Renard P, Lebreton C, Nemazanyy I, Pellé O, Goudin N, Tang X, Rodero MP, Tuchmann-Durand C, Nusbaum P, Brindley DN, van Endert P, de Lonlay P.

Source :

Cell Rep Med

2021 Aug 17

Pmid / DOI:



LPIN1 mutations are responsible for inherited recurrent rhabdomyolysis, a life-threatening condition with no efficient therapeutic intervention. Here, we conduct a bedside-to-bench-and-back investigation to study the pathophysiology of lipin1 deficiency. We find that lipin1-deficient myoblasts exhibit a reduction in phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate close to autophagosomes and late endosomes that prevents the recruitment of the GTPase Armus, locks Rab7 in the active state, inhibits vesicle clearance by fusion with lysosomes, and alters their positioning and function. Oxidized mitochondrial DNA accumulates in late endosomes, where it activates Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) and triggers inflammatory signaling and caspase-dependent myolysis. Hydroxychloroquine blocks TLR9 activation by mitochondrial DNA in vitro and may attenuate flares of rhabdomyolysis in 6 patients treated. We suggest a critical role for defective clearance of oxidized mitochondrial DNA that activates TLR9-restricted inflammation in lipin1-related rhabdomyolysis. Interventions blocking TLR9 activation or inflammation can improve patient care in vivo.

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