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Cell lineages, growth and repair of the mouse heart.
Source :
Results Probl Cell Differ2012 jan 1Pmid / DOI:
22918812 -
Mutations at a single codon in Mad homology 2 domain of SMAD4 cause Myhre syndrome.
Sandrine Marlin, Jean-Laurent CASANOVA , Arnold Munnich, Valérie Cormier-Daire
Source :
Nat Genet2011 déc 11Pmid / DOI:
22158539 -
Germline deletion of the miR-17∼92 cluster causes skeletal and growth defects in humans.
Jeanne Amiel
Source :
Nat. Genet.2011 nov 21Pmid / DOI:
21892160 -
Tracing cells for tracking cell lineage and clonal behavior.
Sigolène Meilhac
Source :
Dev. Cell2011 sep 13Pmid / DOI:
21920310 -
Alessandra Pierani, Frédéric Causeret
Source :
PLoS ONE2011 aoû 23Pmid / DOI:
21552538 -
KIF7 mutations cause fetal hydrolethalus and acrocallosal syndromes.
Sophie Thomas, Patrick Nitschké, Arnold Munnich, Valérie Cormier-Daire, Stanislas Lyonnet, Tania Attié-Bitach
Source :
Nat Genet2011 juin 1Pmid / DOI:
21552264 -
Frédéric Rieux-Laucat
Source :
J. Clin. Invest.2011 fév 3Pmid / DOI:
21183795 -
BBS10 mutations are common in 'Meckel'-type cystic kidneys.
Sophie Thomas, Tania Attié-Bitach
Source :
J Med Genet2010 déc 1Pmid / DOI:
20805367 -
Regulation of Frizzled-dependent planar polarity signaling by a V-ATPase subunit.
Matias Simons
Source :
Curr. Biol.2010 nov 26Pmid / DOI:
20579879 -
Patterning the cerebral cortex: traveling with morphogens.
Alessandra Pierani
Source :
Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev.2010 nov 16Pmid / DOI:
20542680 -
Alessandra Pierani, Frédéric Causeret
Source :
PLoS Biol.2010 oct 26Pmid / DOI:
20668538 -
Sigolène Meilhac
Source :
Development2010 oct 1Pmid / DOI:
20823066 -
Source :
Gastroenterology2010 sep 20Pmid / DOI:
20537998 -
Alessandra Pierani
Source :
J. Neurosci.2010 aoû 24Pmid / DOI:
20685999 -
Role of the GATA-1/FOG-1/NuRD pathway in the expression of human beta-like globin genes.
Annarita Miccio
Source :
Mol. Cell. Biol.2010 juil 14Pmid / DOI: