Feline low-grade intestinal T cell lymphoma: a unique natural model of human indolent T cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
Freiche V, Cordonnier N, Paulin MV, Huet H, Turba ME, Macintyre E, Malamut G, Cerf-Bensussan N, Molina TJ, Hermine O, Bruneau J, Couronné L.
Source :
Lab Invest
2021 juin 1
Pmid / DOI:
Indolent T cell lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD) of the gastrointestinal tract (GI-TLPD) is a rare human primary gastrointestinal T cell lymphoma that was recently included in the 2016 revision of the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms. Low-grade intestinal T cell lymphoma (LGITL), an emerging disease in the domestic cat, shares a number of features with human GI-TLPD. In this prospective study, we determined whether feline LGITL might serve as a model of human GI-TLPD. We analyzed clinical, laboratory, and radiological data and performed histopathological and molecular studies on small intestinal biopsies from 22 domestic cats diagnosed with LGITL. This cancer mostly affects aging cats, is associated with nonspecific gastrointestinal tract signs, and is usually characterized by an indolent course. A histopathological analysis indicated that LGITL was mainly located in the jejunum. The small intestinal lamina propria was infiltrated by large numbers of small CD3+ T cell lymphocytes with various CD4 and CD8 expression profiles (CD4+ CD8- (4 out of 11, 36%), CD4- CD8+ (3 out of 11, 27%), and CD4- CD8- (4 out of 11, 36%)). Intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) counts were elevated in all cases. Ki67 was expressed in lamina propria lymphocytes and IELs at a low level (<30%). Most LGITLs were labelled by antibodies against phosphorylated STAT5, but were negative for CD56 and phosphorylated STAT3. T cell receptor gamma chain gene monoclonality was found in 86% of cases. These findings confirmed that feline LGITL shares clinical and histopathological features with human GI-TLPD. Feline LGITL may therefore constitute a relevant model of the human disease.